In Conversation with Assam’s only professional MMA Fighter Super Fight Leauge : Bhabhajeet Choudhury
Kick, Punch & Knockout
Kaustab Chakraborty speaks to Bhabajeet Choudhury, Assam’s only professional MMA Fighter to in SFL & Currently ranked 4th in SFL rankings.
In 2008 he brought National gold medal for wushu to the state and his performance was very much appreciated in the national level. He have won enormous no of medals in various competitions held in North east and all over India. In 2009 he got government Job and was posted to Delhi. But Along with his job he continued his practice, and his hard works paid off when he got selected in National Team & started to Represent India in various International Championships. His major breakthrough came in 2012, when he got Bronze Medal at Asian Wushu Championship which held in Vietnam. It turned out to be turning point in his life and he got a call to fight in Super Fight League (SFL).
SFL is the Brainchild of Raj Kundra and Sanjay Dutt and they was founded it in the year 2012.SFL is approved by All India Mixed Martial Arts Association (AIMMAA) and it was introduced in India to popularise MMA. Bhabajeet Choudhury Says, “SFL gave a great platform for all the Indian Fighters to show display their talent in an international level. In 2012 I left my job to continue my passion and joined SFL. My SFL experience was really good and it made me grow more as a fighter. In SFL I Got the Award for Best Knockout and currently I am Ranked 4th In SFL Welterweight Category.”
In 2013 I got Asia's Best Fight Finish Award. I think that in northeast and Assam we have potential Players but they are not provided the proper training and scope to nourish their talent. Bhabajeet adds
He is the founder of Bidang ,a MMA & Fitness gym of Guwahati. Bidang is the first MMA gym in Guwahati. Bidang gym provides efficient and skilled trainers to impart high intensity training. Bidang uses the concept of strength and conditioning which is very new to Assam. All this and more makes Bidang MMA & Fitness gym a favourite among fitness lovers across the State. The gym located is at Sundarpur, and it was opened 2014 April month and already has many students from all ages.
Bhabajeet says, “Bidang have around 200 members and around 30 of them are women. At bidang we give special attention on the fitness part. We believe in fitness, Body will be built if you are fit, you don’t need to specifically build body. You should be able to Run, Jump at the same time you should know the techniques and forms. We hardly have any weight training equipments at our Gym. Few have my student have also participated in renowned competition and have won many medals. We even give special Focus on self defense & Women safety.
I feel Assam always lacked quality nourishing centre when proper training and knowledge are imparted. With Bidang I hope to someday fulfill this emptiness. I feel we should explore and promote the talent and provide them bigger platform to perform. Bhabajeet Maintains.
Bhabajeet is tranning hard for his upcoming matches.
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